
Vince Neill, lead singer of Mötley Crüe Kicks! Vince’s longtime friend Kerry Simon succumbed to MSA in September 2015. Vince is appearing also on Celebrity Apprentice, raising money for MSA research for Keep Memory Alive (Las Vegas, NV).

Senator Gary Peters (MI) helps KICK MSA with the MSA Shoe!

Pistons Superstar Chauncy Billups demonstrates his willingness to help make people aware of Multiple System Atrophy.


Courtesy of the Michigan Pain Management Institute in Monroe, Michigan. The MSA Shoe receives his first X-ray! Thank you Dr. Ariel Majjhoo, Amy and Lena!

The MSA Shoe spends some time with Union County College President, Dr. Margaret McMenamin, and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Maris Lown.

Glenn Williams, Chief Editor of Neurology Reviews illustrates his support for greater MSA awareness. Thank you for your support of the MSA cause!

- Another stop on its whirlwind tour of Michigan, the MSA Shoe hung out with ADULT. – a Detroit based band with significant worldwide following.

Courtesy of the Michigan Pain Management Institute in Monroe, Michigan. The MSA Shoe receives his first X-ray! Thank you Dr. Ariel Majjhoo, Amy and Lena!

Detroit DJ and Musician Alexander Battestilli poses with the MSA Shoe.

- The MSA Shoe is held by Carolyn M Nickels, Manager, Clinical Support Services at CliniRx USA.

- Father Anthony Gramlich, Rector of the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy, Stockbridge, MA displays the MSA Shoe in front of the famous depiction of the Divine Mercy.

Dr. Klaus Seppi (Innsbruck, Austria) poses with the MSA Shoe. Thank you Dr. Seppi for all your dedicated work to cure MSA!

- Taking a Bite Out of MSA! – Dr. Niall Quinn (Emeritus, Neurology – University College London, UK) with Dr. Janice Holton (Neuropathology – Queen Square, London, UK) illustrate their desire to Defeat MSA!

- The MSA Shoe poses with one of the heroes of the profession, Dr. Edwin George, Director of the Movement Disorders Clinic at Wayne State University’s Detroit Medical Center.

Noted Restauranteur and MSA Charity Advocate Elizabeth Blau demonstrates her support for greater MSA Awareness. Thank You Elizabeth for your constant work to help MSA patients and progress toward the cure for MSA!

- ESPN personality Joe Lunardi poses with the MSA Shoe along with Philip Fortier on the campus of Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. Joe Lunardi then tweeted the photo and MSA explanation out to 15,000 ESPN fans!

- Gina Hines, Director of Development at the Cleveland Clinic (Las Vegas) will give the Shoe some lessons about how to help the Cause!

- Dr. Eliezer Masliah (UCSD) demonstrates his support for greater MSA awareness and increased research!

- Heroes of MSA Community: Drs. Jeremy Schmahmann, Vik Kurana and Ryan Walsh.

- Jeff Molitz, Personal Assistant for Comedian Carrot Top, poses with the MSA Shoe. Thank you Jeff! — at the Luxor in Vegas.

Father John Staudenmaier, a member of the Society of Jesus and Assistant to the President for Mission and Identity at the Detroit Mercy, poses in front of a portrait of St. Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits.

- Michigan Judge Joe Oster and Sara Smolenski and MSA Patient Roger Soderstrom demonstrate their desire for greater awareness about Multiple System Atrophy.

- Rock N Roll Chef Kerry Simon, demonstrates his dedication to greater MSA Awareness. Kerry is battling MSA! Thank you Kerry Simon for everything you have done to advance the cause toward curing MSA!

Lee Ann Mandarino from the Cleveland Clinic in Las Vegas is always willing to go the extra mile or even stand on her head to support the cause of curing MSA!

- The Cleveland Clinic (LV) physical therapist Jason Longhurst will wear out the MSA Shoe!

- The team of Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals show their support for greater MSA Awareness. Lundbeck produces Northera, a valuable drug for MSA patients.

Sherri Messersmith, author of an Algebra with POWER Learning series, poses with the MSA Shoe.

- The MSA Shoe with Dr. Maysaa Merhi, Dept of Neurology at Wayne State University’s Detroit Medical Center.

- The MSA Shoe visits with Dr. David Robertson from Vanderbilt, Tenn.

- Jennifer Nash, Physical Therapist at the Cleveland Clinic demonstrates her support for greater MSA awareness. HELP FIGHT MSA WITH JENNIFER!

- The MSA Shoe is hosted by the University of Detroit Mercy Men’s Basketball Team, The Titans and their coaches. Thank you Titans!

- Dr. Glen Cook (Neurology, NIH) shows his energetic support for greater MSA awareness!

- In Good Company, With the VP of Neurology, Mr. Dan Brennan of Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals. Lundbeck is the producer of Northera, a valuable drug for MSA patients.

- “Let Us Have Compassion in Action!” The MSA Shoe stops to meditate at the foot of a Tibetian Bodhisattva (Enlightened Being).

- MSA patient and former VP of Nestle’s Waters embraces the MSA Shoe!

- Dr. Ronald Melki (France), a participant in groundbreaking MSA research is happy to support greater awareness about Multiple System Atrophy. THANK YOU DR. MELKI FOR YOUR WORK!!

- Children’s Hospital of Michigan Pediatric Neuology Residents and their professor (holding the MSA Shoe) embrace support for greater awareness about Multiple System Atrophy.

- Macomb County (Michigan) Sheriff Anthony Wickersham poses with the MSA Shoe.

Detroit Urban Restauranteur and Entrepreneur Philip Cooley demonstrates his willingness to support greater awareness about Multiple System Atrophy.

- Off to new adventures, the MSA Shoe takes a ride at Dulles Washington Airport.

- Dr. Ariel Majjhoo, Amy Dudek and Lena Ibrahim from the Michigan Institute of Pain Management (Monroe, Michigan) pose with Tim’s MSA Shoe after discussing Multiple System Atrophy.

Vegas Entertainer and Shakin’ Show Star, Eric Jordan Young gives the thumbs up for more awareness about MSA!

- Mike Dougherty, Manager of Mace’s Crossing Pub in Philadelphia and some patrons from the Pub welcome the opportunity to pose with the MSA Shoe. Thank you Mace’s Crossing!

- Staff and Manager, Tyler (on far right) at Forans Grand Trunk Pub in Detroit poses after reading a summary on Multiple System Atrophy.

Winning with Rocky! The MSA Shoe stops to pay tribute to the famous movie and to dream of winning the fight against Multiple System Atrophy!

- Dr. Bill Coplin, a neurocritical care specialist in Denver, Co. gives a big boost to the MSA Shoe at the annual conference of the American Academy of Neurology.

- Eli Holman, Star Center of Detroit Mercy Titans gives the MSA Shoe a lift!

The MSA Shoe makes a pit stop to visit the Goddess of Victory statue in Nashville, Tenn.

- Philadelphia’s Saint Joseph’s University Philosophy Department hosts the MSA Shoe.

- Always popular with the young, the MSA Shoe is the focal point of these schoolchildren in Belgium, Europe!

Dr. Patrik Brundin (Sweden) gives a boost to the cause of curing MSA!

- Vegas Rockers Kody Lodovico and Kaesen Samson demonstrate their support for greater MSA awareness! Thank you guys!

- Macomb County, Michigan Executive Mark Hackel poses with Tim’s Shoe.

Detroit based Guitarist Jimmy McCarty, an international star in the blues and rock world poses with the MSA Shoe at well-known venue, The Blue Goose, just outside of Detroit, Michigan.

- The MSA Shoe has an easy time making friends with everyone, all in an effort to spread the world about MSA!

- Nolan Oster (Arizona) displays his support for greater MSA awareness outside Gallaudet University, the country first and only university for deaf students. Nolan’s dad is a graduate of the University.

The MSA Shoe attends Union County College to spread awareness about Multiple System Atrophy. Then takes a photo break with Practical Nursing and Allied Health Prof. Laurie Sheldon with her EMT students.

- The MSA Shoe makes a friend wherever he goes, this time with a little doggie!

- MSA Angel Brenda Paquet poses with the MSA Shoe!


- Relaxing with Alex & Alexis Farganis, owners of Elements Therapeutic Massage in Manasquan, NJ. Thank you for taking the time to learn about the MSA Shoe & it’s MSA awareness marathon!

- The MSA Shoe stops by to visit the plaque dedicated to his friend and support, Chef Kerry Simon! THANK YOU KERRY FOR YOUR HEROIC SUPPORT!

The Lundbeck Team With The MSA Shoe. Lundbeck is the producer of Northera, a valuable drug for MSA patients.

- Manager and co-worker of Detroit’s Finest Coney Island demonstrate their support for greater MSA awareness! Thank you ladies!

- Jesus, please help all the families that have loved ones living with MSA! The MSA Shoe makes a stop at the Sweetest Heart of Mary Church in Detroit.

The MSA Shoe web developers with Verde Media, Jerry and Jon pose with the MSA Shoe. See their work at:

- Drs. Shah and Tselis (Neurology, Wayne State University) hang out with the world famous MSA shoe.

- One of the world’s foremost MSA experts Professor Gregor K Wenning reunites with the MSA Shoe in Vegas at the First Global MSA Research Meeting in 2014 at the Cleveland Clinic.

The MSA Shoe was hosted by Sarah Lapinski, Founder & CEO of Wound Menswear.

- The beautiful and effervescent Colleen Larry (now a MSA Angel) posed with the famous Shoe! We love you and miss you Colleen!

- Making friends wherever he goes, the MSA Shoe meets Vegas Celebrity Dog Twinkletoes!

The MSA Shoe is all about educating the public, this time with the management of the legendary Palms in Vegas!

- The MSA Shoe stops to gaze at some famous Picasso paintings at the Museo in Barcelona. This Shoe – Definitely, An Art Enthusiast!

- Vegas Show and Entertainer Eric Jordan Young gives the THUMBS UP for the Cure for MSA!

Dr. Wazim Mohamed, Wayne State University and the staff at the Detroit Medical Center’s Neurocritical Care Unit show their support for greater MSA Awareness by posing with the MSA Shoe. Thank you Dr. Mohamed and the Unit’s staff.

- The MSA Shoe was hosted by noted Vegas Restauranteur and Chef Cory Harwell at the Carson’s Kitchen in Vegas. Chef Harwell makes the signature Kerry Simon Pose!

- The MSA Shoe was hosted by Mr. George Maloof, Owner of the legendary Palms Casino. Afterwards, the Shoe received the grand tour of some top luxury suites, VIP areas and private party rooms! The MSA Shoe even got access to the VIP gaming floor!

Dr. Peter LeWitt (Detroit), Board Member of Defeat MSA and a participant at the First Global Research Meeting poses with the MSA Shoe!

- Hero of MSA Research: Dr. Ryan Walsh (Cleveland Clinic, Las Vegas) demonstrates his support for greater MSA awareness and ramped up research aimed at curing MSA!

- Children’s Hospital Nurse Cheryl and Pediatric Neurologist, Dr. Lalitha Sivaswamy pose with the MSA Shoe. — with Lalitha Sivaswamy at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.

Dr. Majid Rammouni, an Internist at Lakeview Medical Center (St. Clair Shores, MI) demonstrates is support for greater MSA Awareness with the MSA Shoe.

- Dr. Pratik Bhattachara (Dr. B) from Wayne State Dept of Neurology and Defeat MSA Medical Advisor poses with the MSA Shoe.

- Father Kevin Gillepsie, S.J. – President of Saint Joseph’s University poses with Tim’s MSA Shoe. St. Joe’s is a leading Catholic university, sponsored by the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits).

Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, Chief of Neurology at the Cleveland Clinic in Las Vegas and Advocate of MSA Awareness and Research hosted the MSA Shoe on the eve of the First Global MSA Research Meeting in Vegas. Dr. Cummings was happy to support greater MSA Awareness by posing with the MSA Shoe.

Dr. Majid Rammouni, an Internist at Lakeview Medical Center (St. Clair Shores, MI) demonstrates is support for greater MSA Awareness with the MSA Shoe.

- With Celeb Stylist Lori Lee Samson at Caesar’s Casino in Vegas.