About The MSA Awareness Shoe

The sole mission of the MSA Awareness Shoe is to raise awareness about Multiple System Atrophy by its symbolic world marathon. The journey originally began as a prank among a group of friends who wanted to make people laugh. One of those people was Pearl Turner, who had Multiple System Atrophy. To date, the MSA Awareness Shoe has visited over a dozen countries across the world. Click the link below to learn more about the mission and story behind the Shoe.

What can you do to help us?

MSA is a rare, rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disorder. MSA impairs the systems that regulate blood pressure, heart rate and bladder – many of the basic bodily functions that people take for granted every day. People with MSA suffer from dangerously low blood pressure, speech and swallowing difficulties, sleep disturbances, breathing problems, rigidity and tremors. The life expectancy for those with MSA is typically five to ten years. Patients with MSA, oftentimes progress to a point in which they are virtually trapped within their own bodies, unable to move and unable to communicate. At present, there is no cure for MSA, no genetic tests to detect it and very few treatments to manage its debilitating effects.

Realizing that much of the current attention is focused on more widely known diseases, Multiple System Atrophy is overlooked. MSA patients are confronted with a dim prognosis and left with few options. Defeat MSA aims to increase AWARENESS, help ALLEVIATE suffering and ADVANCE research toward the cure for MSA!

Thousands of people have around the world have lost loved ones to Multiple System Atrophy.

Kerry Glen Simon (June 17, 1955 – September 11, 2015) was an American celebrity chef, Iron Chef winner and restaurateur based in Las Vegas. The MSA community will always remember Kerry fondly. He was a gentle, talented and passionate individual and will continue to be greatly missed. Kerry was a heroic witness to the tragedy of MSA. We are indebted to him for his efforts to raise awareness, crucial research funds and for giving a public voice to our cause.

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